9 Simple Habits to Make Your Skin Smooth and Healthy

Follow these 9 simple habits and you won't recognize your skin

We all want beautiful healthy looking skin. So we tried different creams scrubs and masks but all to no avail. Are we completely out of options and hope? Of course not. Give these simple habits a shot and in no time at all, you'll see a big change in your skin for the better.

Clean your phone screen with special antibacterial wipes

Clean your phone screen with special antibacterial wipes are you constantly breaking out in rash or pimples on your cheeks? Did these new skin issues seem to come out of nowhere? Guess what your phone screen is probably to blame. Studies have proven that your smartphone screen can easily be covered in 10 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. Gross. And it's absolutely good how it can end up on your face, because of such nasty skin problems. But don't worry all you have to do is make it a habit to disinfect your phone screen with special antibacterial wipes that are safe for electronics. Take away these bacteria and your cheeks will be clear and clear.

wash your makeup brushes regularly.

Your makeup brush also collects large bacteria and it is another possible criminal of your acne. If you want to make anxiety fast, do not be slow and try to take care of your brush Just like with your phone you can simply use antibacterial wipes before each use and for a deeper clean use a gentle cleanser like baby shampoo or face wash. Make it a weekly ritual like every Sunday morning after breakfast. You won't believe how happy your skin will be

 Eat the right foods.

We all know that sweet stuff and junk food are no good for our skin. So every time you eat something with a lot of grease or sugar you should be ready to welcome a brand new pimple the next day. A person's diet is usually the main reason for skin problems which is why changing what you eat is pretty much inevitable. Do it gradually though. Find out what healthy products and dishes you like and slowly add them to your daily meals. Don't get too crazy. Extreme food limitations are no good either. They can lead to dry wrinkly and tired looking skin. Just make sure that your new diet contains foods with a lot of nutrients and minerals and you'll be just fine

 Be careful with Scrubs.

Scrubs really do make your skin exceptionally smooth and radiant but if you use them too frequently they can also be your worst enemy causing breakouts and rashes. If you have dry skin go for gentle facial cleansers instead. As for oily or acne prone skin, you can use scrubs no more than once a week. People with other skin types can do it twice a week but. That's it. It's also better to use natural scrubs than you can easily make it home yourself instead of store bought ones full of nasty chemicals.

moisturize before and after you swim in the pool.

 When it's hot outside. Most of us just want to spend all day on the beach or in the pool and while jumping into the pool is tons of fun for you. Your skin isn't having such a good time chlorinated pool water wreaks havoc on your poor skin drying it out taking away its elasticity and making it look duller. You obviously don't want that. So be sure to moisturize your skin before you get in the pool. Once you get out deep clean your skin and reapply a moisturizer that'll protect your skin from the harmful effects of chlorine. And remember always use SPF. Anytime you spend under the sun.

Shower right after your workout.

 If you workout regularly. Well first of all props to you for taking care of your body and secondly don't forget to shower immediately after your training session. True the showers at the gym aren't the most comfortable place on the earth but it's still better than dealing with the consequences of being too lazy to take a shower.

You see excess sweat can encourage bacteria to grow in your pores which results in blackheads and back balcony when you shower right away. You can stop this from happening. Making sure your skin stays fresh and clean. Definitely a good idea.

 Listen to the signals your body is sending.

 Acne rashes dry skin bags and dark circles under your eyes. All the changes you see on your face and body are your system's way of telling you that something's wrong. Everything starts on the inside and what you see on your face is just a consequence. So listen to your body and try to notice any changes in your appearance and well-being. The best way to react is to see your doctor. They'll give you all the information necessary on what to do when you cut the problem at the root. It doesn't have a chance to break into something bigger and more serious. So be attentive to yourself and your health.

avoid overly hot showers.

 Steaming hot baths and showers can destroy the skin's protective layer of lipids that help retain moisture in the deeper layers of the dermis. That's why constantly washing in really hot water can result in premature wrinkling and dryness of the skin. With this in mind try to shower in lukewarm water and if you must have it hot. Limit yourself to just 10 to 20-minute baths. Again not overly hot just a bit more than usual. It'll open up your pores making it easier to clean them with your favorite product. Nice and easy

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