Chest Exercises to Bust Bra Fat

Let's be honest. There is nothing sexier than a great fitting bra but there is nothing worse than that. Unsightly bra fat. So I'm here to show you some exercises that are going to make broth fad a thing of the past. We're going to be working on your chest today, which actually can be a very hard muscle to activate especially if you're really tight in your chest you sit in front of a computer all day. You're holding babies you're internally rotated with your shoulders. So we're going to go through some rolling out stretches and how to really activate the muscle correctly and this series. Okay. So we're going to start first with a chest opening up move which would be using a ball on your PEC now I'm using a softball but you can definitely use a softer Ball, but it's important that you're

Seeing something that's high enough and the circumference so you can actually get into the muscle you're going to put the ball right at the top of your PEC. You're going to stay over the ball and you're going to go forward and pull down with the elbow. So again, the ball might move out a little bit but you want to make sure that you stay on top of it. So you can really feel that into your pack and you're going to do both sides and I would say about 10 times on each side. So you can really feel that deep opening in your pectoral muscle which will allow you to activate her a lot more and now let's open up the rest of that shoulder harness through here, which is also what keeps it really tight and internally rotated and we're going to start with your lats you're going to do three points on your lap starting at your armpit. And then you're going to move down armpit lower and a little bit lower the way that you set it up if you want to have the heel your hand on your ear like you're not listening to me, but you are and you're going to have your knee bent in front your other leg behind you and you're going to rotate back.

And forth you're going to rock back and forth. I want you to make sure that you're not doing this.

Okay, you're not leading with your chin. You want to feel like you almost have a neck brace on and you're going to go back and forth. I would say five times. Then you move it down the same thing back and forth five times and then down one more time back and forth. And again, you can spend more time rolling out your last especially if you sit a lot in front of a computer, this is going to feel really good to open up those shoulders and those lats you'll feel like you can get much more of a stretch and you can activate your chest more when your lats are open. So let's move now to an active chest stretch. So now that we've opened up the muscle we want to actually stretch it out and activate it. I'm going to stand up and you're going to do an active chest stretch fingertips are going to reach out in front jazz hands. Okay, and you're going to throw the arms back and really activate that chest keeping your head in line with your spine. So when I'm throwing my arms back, I'm not pushing my neck forward. I'm keeping my head in line with my spine and I would do about 10 of those you get a nice stretch.

Your biceps and now we're going to move to your lap stretch right on your back on the side that will help open up that muscle from your triceps all the way down. You're going to base your feet wide. You want to find an object that doesn't move and you're going to sit back into your heel and really push that tush back. So you get that nice stretch all the way into your Latin into your tricep. I would say hold for about three deep breaths. And then you're going to move to the other side the same thing wide feet push that the out and you're going to sit back in your standing heel on the side of the arm that's holding. So you feel that deep stretch into your lat. Now, let's activate those back muscles specifically your lats on the side that will really help you to really connect to your push-ups when you're doing it because now your back is nice and open but I want you to understand how to contract and really activate that muscle. So I'm going to lie all the way down. I want you to grab a towel or I'm using a very sturdy band and you

Make sure that you have enough resistance. So your arms are long and what you're going to do is you're going to pull your arms keeping your elbows straight. You're going to pull your arms all the way down really really pulling that belly in and then release so if you look what I'm doing on my side of my lat is I'm pulling down with the band away. So I activate my lat and then I'm releasing it and you can do it with both of your hands. Again, you're going to pull all the way down. You're not going to bend your knees your elbows. You're going to keep your knees bent and then you're going to release it and one more time. Keep the belly pulled in you're going to pull all the way down with those labs really really full feel that connection of your lap pulling down into your waist and then release it great. So now that you've connected to your lats, let's move into a push-up funny enough your last have everything to do with your push up a lot of times people think well. I'm working my chest had to do with my back. Well, we explain right now. So the feeling that you just have when you were pulling those

Shoulders away from your ears and retracting your lats you're going to use that exact same feeling that you just had with the band. So I want you to extend your arms out. Push those shoulders away from your ears connect to your laps. And then you're going to bring your palms down with your fingers really really wide one foot back squeeze your glute your other foot back. So when you're doing your push up, what you want to feel like is the alignment of your thumb is in line with the base of your chest and then push all the way up to the top. So if that's too difficult, you can go onto your knees. But what I want you to connect to our your lats so keep those shoulders down keep those lads engaged during your whole push up that way you can open up your chest more and you can activate that whole pectoral muscle, which is everything through here because when your Lads aren't retracted and you're trying to do a push-up a lot of times, we feel it in our traps and you feel in your neck this way you're able to open it up really connect your pecs. I would say start with about 10 reps with that. So now that you've connected to your lats, let's move into a push-up funny enough your last have everything to do with your push up a lot of times people think well. I'm working my chest had to do with my back. Well, we explain right now. So the feeling that you just have when you were pulling those

Shoulders away from your ears and retracting your lats you're going to use that exact same feeling that you just had with the band. So I want you to extend your arms out. Push those shoulders away from your ears connect to your laps. And then you're going to bring your palms down with your fingers really really wide one foot back squeeze your glute your other foot back. So when you're doing your push up, what you want to feel like is the alignment of your thumb is in line with the base of your chest and then push all the way up to the top. So if that's too difficult, you can go onto your knees. But what I want you to connect to our your lats so keep those shoulders down keep those lads engaged during your whole push up that way you can open up your chest more and you can activate that whole pectoral muscle, which is everything through here because when your Lads aren't retracted and you're trying to do a push-up a lot of times, we feel it in our traps and you feel in your neck this way you're able to open it up really connect your pecs. I would say start with about 10 reps with that.

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