Exercises to Sculpt Your Shoulders

What if I told you that you could sculpt the shoulders of your dreams without ever visiting a gym. All you need is a pair of dumbbells and a band a lot of women always say, how do I get my shoulders more defined? Well, we are going to do that today. But of course, we're going to first start with an opening up of those muscles. So we're going to start first with your chest. You're going to take a softball. I'm using a softball. You can use a weighted ball if it's the same size and you're going to put the ball right about where your PEC meets your shoulder at the top and you're going to stay over at you want to make sure that you keep that weight over it so you can go for with your arm and bring it back down again flipping out commercials break forward and back. And again, you're going to do both sides about 10 times. Make sure you're staying over the ball. So you get that pressure.

So you can feel that in your chest. And now I want to do your shoulders. So you're going to place the roller right in the center of the shoulder and you're going to go up and down you can wrap that arm around your waist and I would say about 10 swipes on one side 10 swipes on the other. Oh, that feels so good. Okay, and then we're going to move to your upper back. You want to place the roller right in about your I would say your bra line from their hands interlaced. And again, if your elbows are in you'll feel deeper pressure elbows are out. It's not as much and you're going to roll bra line to the top of the shoulders. And if this if you don't feel this you can go to a denser roller. Sometimes when you roll out a lot you actually need to move up in the density of your roller. Okay, the last move we're going to do before we get into the strength is we're going to do a little stretch. So I'm using a superb and you can use a broomstick you can use a band whatever you want. I want to make sure that your feet are hip-width apart.

You're going to reach up stretch it back and open that feels so good. And again, if you see from the side, it's like I'm creating a rainbow on both sides. So I'm reaching up reaching it back open up that chest open up the shoulders and forward and you could do that about 10 times that really opens up the shoulders and opens up your chest and now I want to move to a lat stretch which also helps to activate all of that side and your trip you're going to sit back in your heels. I want you to have all of your weight in the heel of the arm that's holding push away with your opposite arm and sit back in that bomb and you'll get a nice stretch all the way into your lat and your tricep and the other side and remember when you're trying to sculpt your body. You don't just focus on one body part. You have to actually open up the entire body. So you can activate what you're trying to sculpt the same thing with this position sitting back in your heel getting that nice flat and tricep stretch.

So we're going to grab the weights. I'm using 5 pounds you can use five you can use a little bit less if you need to or eight and we're going to start with the rotator cuff. So you're going to stand with your feet about hip bone width apart elbows are in line with your wrists and you're going to open and bring it back to Center. What I want you to look at is that my elbows are staying right along my midline on the side. I'm not bringing them back. I'm not moving my arms forward and back. I'm hinging just at my elbow so I can really feel that through my rotator cuff. You're going to go about 10 times from here. And then you're going to turn your palms up to the same thing 10 times really focusing on keeping that core tight. I don't want you vaulting back and forth with your rib cage. I want you to maintain a strong core through this movement. Okay, and then we're going to bring the arms up. So when you look to the side your elbows should be in line with your shoulders, and then you're going to rotate.

Forward and back again. I'm really keeping my core super tight and you can look when you're doing it. Look to the side to make sure your elbow is not moving forward and back you want to keep it in place. Like you have a stick through both elbows. That way you can really get into that shoulder harness and sculpt those shoulders and now we're going to move to a rear delt pull. I have a light to medium bands again on a stationary surface. That doesn't move. You want to set your body your feet about jump with position hip-width apart. My eyes are always going to look at the attachment. My shoulders are pushing down away from your ears and you're going to pull straight back and bringing it forward. So when I pull I visualize that I'm pulling with my elbows, not with my hands. So my hands are holding it, but I'm pulling straight back with my elbows squeezing back and down with those shoulder blades. And again, you're going to do about 10 to 15 reps with this really controlling the

Feeling a good connection to your shoulders. And that is your shoulder workout. I'm Ashley Borden with perfect form. Remember to go to Livestrong woman and see all my videos. If you have any questions, you can post them. I will read them and I will answer and I want you to remember to always connect to your body.

Feeling a good connection to your shoulders. And that is your shoulder workout perfect form. If you have any questions, you can post them. I will read them and I will answer and I want you to remember to always connect to your body.

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